The home page of this website is static, meaning that everyone sees the same content, and there isn't a database involved. I used ReactJS as my front-end framework for practicality, but you could just use HTML, JS, and CSS as well.
The blog page, on the other hand, fetches data from an API (Application Programming Interface) I coded using Express (NodeJS) and a bunch of different libraries.
I actually added the Blog Page about a month after the home page was deployed.
This website simply sends GET requests to this API -which has access to my database and it gives you all the information you need for the blog. The database I decided to use was MongoDB Atlas, so all the blog posts are stored there.
I have another website for making POST requests to the API, which then creates, updates, or deletes documents on MongoDB. I create all the blog posts there, so I'm the only one that has access to it. It's protected by a bunch of stuff I don't need to get into.
If you haven't noticed so far, you can actually comment on the blog posts! All you need to do is fill out the form and if everything is right, the website sends a POST request to the API, which in turn creates the comment on the database.
I tried to make the website look as decent as possible using CSS. It has a lot of different animations, transitions, transformations, etc. I didn't use a bloated CSS framework like Bootstrap, so everything you see is handwritten. Lastly, the website is obviously more responsive if you're using a computer!
The API is hosted on, and the two front-end websites are hosted on Github Pages.
Scroll all the way down and check out the code on Github. This website is open-source!!!
Comment Section
Cool stuff
November 10, 2023Damla
This is great! Nice job, Atilay!
September 11, 2023At
April 2, 2023Kazım
Hello, you did a great job.
March 16, 2023Alice
Good job 👍
March 16, 2023Anonymous
Testing the comment functionality! Nice website!
March 16, 2023